The Importance of School Bus Safety – Facts & Reminders

As communities nationwide prepare to commemorate National School Bus Safety Week from October 16-20, 2023, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the importance of school bus safety. The school bus is one of the safest modes of transportation for our children. However, despite their safety record, school buses aren’t immune to risks—particularly vehicles that illegally pass them.

Behind the Wheel: A Detailed Look into a Day in the Life of a Truck Driver

The life of a truck driver is not just about the cargo they carry. It’s about the long hours on the road, the stunning sunrises witnessed, the challenges faced, and the stories shared at truck stops. In this blog, we offer a glimpse of “Behind the Wheel: A Detailed Look into a Day in the Life of a Truck Driver.” Let’s celebrate their dedication, resilience, and spirit, not just this week, but every time we spot a truck on the highway.

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