- Description
Company Host: Averitt Express
Seat at the Teable: $349
Location Address: Averitt Training & Media Center, 1150 Perimeter Park Dr. Cookeville, TN 38501
Dates: March 15 - 16, 2023
Overview: Meet fellow recruitment and retention professionals for a networking dinner followed by a half-day group discussion and brainstorming. Roundtable discussions will focus on solutions for the most relevant Recruiting and Retention challenges identified during the “Seat at the Table” registration process.
Participants will enjoy a guided tour of Averitt Express, along with remarks from Averitt Express’s Director of Driver Services, David Broyles, on how his company achieved its exceptionally low turnover rate. Moderators will include Kelly Anderson (Kelly Anderson Group), Matt Lee (Ramsey Mediaworks), and Justin Reed (HireRight).
March 15
3:30pm – Check in for 4:00 pm tour of Averitt Express
5:30pm – Networking Dinner at meeting location
March 16
8:00 am – Presentation by David Broyles of Averitt Express
9:00 am – Roundtable discussion commences
11:30 am – Working lunch
2:00 pm – Roundtable concludes
Lodging: Fairfield Inn & Suites - 1200 Sams St. Cookeville, TN 38506
- Going Rate: $104+tax
- Book your room here: Book Your Group/Corporate Rate | Marriott International or call 931-854-1050 and ask for “Averitt Express Group Rate”
- Complimentary Breakfast provided at hotel
Seat at the Table includes:
- Tour of Averitt Express
- Networking Dinner
- Roundtable Discussions
- Working Lunch
- Synopsis Report of Discussion Items
- List of All Participant Contact Info
- A Roundtable Attendee-only Gift
- Access to Private LinkedIn Group
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